Tim Stultz - Warriors & Quiet Waters
Tim Stultz-headshot

Tim Stultz


US Navy Veteran

Ennis, Montana

Born and raised in Silicon Valley, CA, Tim spent the majority of his professional career as the CEO and Board Member of private and publicly traded high tech companies serving the semiconductor and life sciences industries.

He also has served as a trustee, director, or advisor on multiple boards in the non-profit sector.

Prior to pursuing his career in High Tech Business, Tim served two tours of duty in Vietnam as a River Boat Coxswain (Brown Water Navy) on rivers in I Corp near the DMZ in 1968 and 1969.

Tim has a BS, MS and Ph.D. in Materials Science from Stanford University.

In 2018, Tim and his wife Reyne retired, bought a ranch, and moved to Ennis, Montana where they enjoy fishing, hiking, RVing and spending time outdoors with friends and family.

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